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Regucalcin (RGN)

A soluble globular protein that is chemically acidic and conserved and participates in the regulation of many cellular processes. The molecular weight is 16723. It is now clear that calmodulin consists of 148 amino acid residues of 19 amino acids. There is no cysteine and tryptophan in the calmodulin molecule, no disulfide bond formation in the structure, 1/3 amino acid residues are aspartic acid and glutamate. Therefore, calmodulin has high flexibility, which is conducive to the change of calmodulin structure and effectively conveys Ca2+ information. Calmodulin is widely distributed in nucleated living cells. Human erythrocytes, platelets, adipocytes, liver, brain, adrenal gland, thyroid, bone marrow, lung and cardiac tissues are all present.
At present, DLDEVELOP co. LTD has developed corresponding RGN Elisa products. To get more information, you could contact our professional staff directly or directly to our website:

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